The same thing we do every night (and every day for that matter)

Saturday, 8 March 2008

A note on the comment by me published in the Evening Post today

I am of course delighted that they have published my comment, which was on a story about a woman who pretended she was tied to a wheelchair to get a ground floor flat. However- they have edited it so much it is almost unrecognisable, which is rather disappointing. One wonders how many more comments and letters have been edited in this way. It actually pisses me off, though it's only one comment anyway and it's the Evening Post letters page, which half the time I can't read because it seems constructed to boil your blood just by looking at it.

So here are both versions in full, first, the original one still available on the website:

The Little Britain character, Andy springs to mind with this! Did she get up as soon as the photographer and journalist turned away? And regarding the comments hoping that the information has been passed to the Council- it more than likely has now!!

And the Evening Post journalist interpretation (NOT IN ANY WAY APPROVED BY ME)

Did she get up as soon as the photographer and journalist left? I would have thought that this piece of news has been passed to the council, too!
Next time I won't bother putting comments on that website if they're going to completely change my words like that when publishing it. I frankly don't want to put my name to it, as unknown my name is anyway!

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